Past Projects
Project Reports
Martin, Alexandra; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth Leonard, and Richard Prescott. Historic Survey and Inventory of Stone Features Located Within the Manitou Hassannash Preserve, Hopkinton, RI. Submitted to the Town of Hopkinton, July 2020.
Confidential Reports
The reports below have been presented to federal agencies and are confidential pursuant to Section 106 of National Historic Preservation (36 CFR 800.4[a][4], 800.11[c]).
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Catherine Taylor, and Rebeca Wetzel. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey, Littleton, MA. Submitted to the Littleton Conservation Trust, June 2019.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, and Paul Ziobro. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Maps and Photo-Documentation: The Narragansett Electric Company Q143 R144 Transmission Line Project, Lincoln, RI. Submitted to The Narragansett Electric Company, July 2019.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, and Paul Ziobro. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Maps and Photo-Documentation: The Narragansett Electric Company Transmission Line Project, Lincoln, RI. Submitted to The New England Power Company, December 2019.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, Alexandra G. Martin, and Catherine Taylor. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Atlantic Bridge, Westchester County, NY. Submitted to Spectra Energy, May 2016.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, and Alexandra G. Martin. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Connecticut Expansion Project, Tennessee Gas Pipeline, Sandisfield, MA. Submitted to the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, September 2016.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, Alexandra G. Martin, and Catherine Taylor. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Wayland, MA. Submitted to the Town of Wayland, October 2015.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, and Alexandra G. Martin. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: National Grid, Hampden, MA. Submitted to National Grid, June 2014.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, and Alexandra G. Martin. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: North Smithfield, RI. Submitted to RI Air National Guard June 2014.
Harris, Doug; Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, and Alexandra G. Martin. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: New England East-West Solution Interstate Reliability Project, North Smithfield, RI. Submitted to National Grid, August 2013.
Harris, Doug; Timothy Fohl, Eva Gibavic, Kenneth C. Leonard, Alexandra G. Martin, and Catherine Taylor. Technical Report: Ceremonial Stone Landscape Survey: Wayland, MA. Submitted to the Town of Wayland, October 2013.
Manitou Hassannash feature